Cocaine is a popular, illegal stimulant drug that affects the central nervous system, resulting in a fast but short-lived high. Cocaine is extracted from South American coca leaves using a chemical process and is commonly sold in the form of white powder or crack cocaine crystals. Also known as snow or blow, cocaine is an incredibly dangerous and addictive drug, and has many detrimental physical, behavioral, and psychological side effects. Once someone develops a physical dependency on cocaine, there is a much greater chance that they will become addicted and keep using it to avoid experiencing unpleasant detox symptoms.
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Acute Side Effects Of Cocaine
Short-term side effects of using cocaine include panic, paranoia, abdominal pain, high blood pressure, and heart palpitations. Long-term cocaine use can have serious side effects including heart attack, organ failure, hypertension, breathing problems, seizures, withdrawal, and death. People who smoke crack cocaine are at a greater risk of developing respiratory problems, while people who inject cocaine are at a greater risk of contracting a serious disease like HIV or Hepatitis C.
Human Body Processing Cocaine
Cocaine is either snorted, ingested, dissolved and injected, or smoked in the form of crack cocaine crystals. Once it enters the bloodstream, which can be immediate or take up to thirty minutes, depending on the method of use, cocaine is metabolized by the liver, producing the metabolite benzoylecgonine. Taking cocaine results in intense, short-lived feelings of pleasure and euphoria by causing the release of dopamine in the brain. In addition to feelings of pleasure, users will also feel more alert, energized, and confident, at least until the effects wear off. Coming down from a cocaine high can result in fatigue, depression, and insomnia, as well as cravings for the drug.
How Long Is Cocaine In Your System?
Cocaine typically stays in your system for 1-4 days, depending on a number of factors including your body fat percentage, metabolism, the method of use, dosage, and purity of the cocaine you’ve taken. Taking cocaine with other substances, such as alcohol, will also affect how long it takes your body to process it. Although a cocaine high can last anywhere from 15 -90 minutes, it takes your body about one hour to process half of the cocaine in your bloodstream. Heavy users or long-term users may take longer to process cocaine than first-time users. Cocaine can be detected by testing different bodily systems including your blood, saliva, hair, and urine, though urine tests are the most common method of testing.
Blood Test for Cocaine
Blood tests are very accurate and can detect cocaine for up to 48 hours after use. It is also very difficult if not impossible to tamper with a blood test.
Saliva Test for Cocaine
Cocaine can be detected for up to two days in a person’s saliva. Saliva tests can also detect crack cocaine use by testing for ecgonine methyl ester (EME). Saliva tests are portable, easy to administer and take only ten minutes to process, which is why they are often used by law enforcement and for random drug testing at places of work.
Hair Test for Cocaine
Cocaine can be detected for up to 90 days in a person’s hair, making this a useful test to establish patterns of drug use or to see how someone is doing in recovery. One of the drawbacks of using a hair test for cocaine is that it cannot detect immediate use, as it can take up to a week for cocaine metabolites to build up in a person’s hair follicles. Hair tests also require a laboratory but are very accurate and impossible to tamper with.
Cocaine Urine Test – Drug Testing Method
Urine tests can detect cocaine within 2-5 hours of use and for up to four days after use because the test also detects benzoylecgonine, a metabolite of cocaine. Urine drug tests are often administered at treatment centers, job screenings, and schools as they are portable and easy to use.
Getting Cocaine out of your system
Staying hydrated is the best way to support your body and help it process cocaine as quickly as possible. Although there’s a lot of advice on the internet about how to flush cocaine out of your body, abstaining from alcohol and other drugs, drinking water, eating healthy food, and getting plenty of rest are really the only ways to help your body eliminate cocaine.
Can You Beat A Drug Test?
No, it’s highly unlikely, unless you are tested outside of the detection window. The only way to ensure that you’ll pass a cocaine drug test is to not use cocaine.
Cocaine Withdrawal
The term withdrawal applies to people who have developed a physical dependency on or are addicted to cocaine. Cocaine withdrawal kicks in a few hours after use and can last for up to two weeks, though some symptoms can last for several months. Some withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, aggression, fatigue, insomnia, increased appetite, muscle pain, and intense drug cravings. Psychological side effects of detoxing from cocaine include severe depression, paranoia, suicidal thoughts, and drug-induced psychosis.
Detoxing From Cocaine
Detoxing from cocaine is the first step to healing and recovery. It is highly recommended to attend a medically supervised detox at a drug rehabilitation center so that you can receive immediate medical attention if necessary. You may experience a number of unpleasant physical and psychological side effects and it’s essential to have professional support nearby that can help you get through the process. Detoxing from a powerful drug like cocaine is dangerous and should be treated like a potential medical emergency. Depending on the length and intensity of use, it may be necessary to slowly taper a person off of cocaine to prevent dangerous withdrawal symptoms such as cardiac arrest.
Find Help For Cocaine Addiction
If you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine addiction, don’t wait any longer to seek help. At Ethan Crossing, our addiction treatment center is here to provide the support and resources you need to overcome your addiction and begin your journey towards long-term recovery. Our experienced and compassionate staff will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re looking for residential treatment or outpatient services, we’re here to help. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier life and contact us today to learn more about our cocaine addiction treatment programs.
Cocaine FAQs
Can I flush cocaine out of my system by taking vitamin B or drinking electrolyte beverages?
In a word, no. Although taking cocaine depletes your body of essential vitamins and minerals, taking vitamins or electrolytes will not help you pass a drug test.
Why is it dangerous to consume alcohol and cocaine at the same time?
Alcohol and cocaine create a dangerous metabolite, cocaethylene, which is very toxic and increases a person’s risk of stroke, heart attack, brain bleeding, overdose, and sudden death.
Is cocaine approved for medical use?
Yes, cocaine has been used as a numbing agent for surgery but is not recommended because there are safer alternatives available.